What is Homeopathy

—Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicines ,based on the law of similars “likes cures likes”
—Originated in Germany by Dr Samuel Hahnemann
—Medicines are derived from natural sources like plants & minerals
—Non Toxic and safe for all age groups
—Stimulates your own defense mechanism
Homeopathy is a truly Holistic medicines
—Homeopathy treats each person individually  when choosing the medicine, “No two individuals are ALIKE”
—Every individual response to stress and pathogens is different and each persons pattern of susceptibility to illness  differs
—Consideration of all his physical mental and emotional state is the basis of prescription “constitutional medicine” for effective treatment
How can Homeopathy help you?
—Under normal circumstances your body’s built in healing system is at work creating optimal health.
—Every minute of every day every cells of your body tries to create a healthy balance called HEMOSTASIS but stress, lifestyle and enviromental  pollutants  interfere with this process
—This is when the symptoms and illness begins to occur
How homeopathy help
—The correct homeopathic medicines will act to stimulate and rebuild the body’s healing system and to restore a state of Health rather than to simply treat the symptoms
—It differs from conventional medicine which tends to suppress symptoms often using high dose of drugs that can cause SIDE EFFECT
Homeopathy around the world
—Homeopathic medicines are used through out the world, particularly in Europe,Australia,South America,India and UAE.
—Royal family in England retains the services of homeopathic  physician
—London and Glasgow havehomeopathic hospitals where doctors use homepathic medicines in conjunction with conventional medicine practices
—In India there are more than 100,000 homeopathic physicians & Mother Teresa used homeopathic medicines in her hospital in Calcutta
—WHO has cited homeopathy as a system of medicine that should be integrated worldwide with conventional medicines
—British Medical Journal and the Lancet indicates that homeopathy is an effective form of treatment.
—In support of effectiveness we also have 200yrs of clinical experience gathered from all over the world by highly respected homeopathic practitioners
Homeopathy for Bowel disorders
—What is Bowel Disorder: these are the conditions that primarily affect the small intestine
—There are numerous types of bowel disorder
—IBS : affects both small & large intestine
—Crohn’s Disease: type of inflammatory  bowel disorder also known as autoimmune disorder in which your body attacks healthy tissues.
—Intestinal obstructions
—Celiac Disease: is a condition in which you cannot tolerate Gluten,a food protein.Eating gluten can damage the small intestine & cause adverse side effect
—Intestinal obstruction: occurs when the intestine becomes blocked, as a result unable to complete processing food or pass stool
—Other conditions like ulcer, infection, intestinal cancer
Causes of Bowel disorder
—Enviromental factors
—Microbial& immunological factors
—Family history
Common symptoms of Bowel disorder
—Swollen & painful belly
—Gas / flatulence
Diagnosis of Bowel disorder
—Your doctor may diagnose IBS if you experience abdominal pain when experiencing two  of these three symptoms
—Change in stool frequency
—Difficult  defecation
—Change in stool consistency
—Swelling of the abdomen
—Crohn’s disease & intestinal obstruction are diagnosed via CT scan , colonoscopy, MRI
Homeopathic treatment for bowel disorders
—Homeopath believes physical disease has mental and emotional elements, they will consider physical symptom(disease) current emotional and psychological states and the overall make up of the patient, i.e totality of the symptoms to prescribe “ CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE”
Some common homeopathic remedies
—Pulsatilla: deals with gastric problem arised as a result of consuming fatty food
—Absence of thirst,weepy ,changeable charcter of stool are the indication
—Nux Vomica: useful for heart burn, that occurs after taking spicy food or alcohol. Constipation with constant urge to pass stool “ unsatisfactory feeling” after passing stool
—Arsenic album: gastric trouble resulting from food poisoning, nausea , vomiting,loose stool, stomach pain.Complaints worse after eating & drinking
—Homeopathy is safe and useful treatment for various digestive disorders including indigestion,stomach ache, IBS,Crohn’s disease, gastric ulcers etc
—Homeopathy approach : view the symptoms as body’s attempt to correct an imbalance. Homeopathic remedies acts as a catalyst to aid the body’s innate “HEALING ABILITY”
—Homeopathic remedies can strengthens a persons digestive  system, cures food allergies and improves the elimination of toxins.