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Eye Print “Pupillary Diagnosis” and Early Detection of Diseases

This modern science in our Arab countries can be considered a diagnostic and therapeutic science for tissue conditions by reading the iris (the colored part of the eye), which reflects the presence of diseases or the structural predisposition to their growth in cooperation with clinical nutrition science.

It is a science that can be called ancient but yet modern. Its discovery is attributed to the Hungarian scientist Beasley, who noticed in his childhood that an owl bird, after breaking its right leg, noticed a sign in its right eye that was not there before the fracture. This scientist, who was a child at the time, treated the fracture with the methods available at the time. After the leg healed, the signal that was distinguished in the iris of the owl’s right eye disappeared, and this scientist began to be interested in medical matters and studied medicine, and then he began to link the diseases that afflict people with their iris, and he drew a map of the human body on the iris. This was in the year 1866, and he determined the locations of the organs on the map.

Through the disease suffered by a large number of patients, this science began to develop from Germany to Sweden to Austria to the United States of America to Australia until the eye plate was developed in 1981 by the American Dr. Bernard Jensen.

What does the iris announce?

  1. The condition of the tissues in the organs of the human body.
  2. Genetic structure in humans.
  3. Strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Inherited and acquired diseases.
  5. Causes of diseases.
  6. Deficiencies in the functional performance of members.
  7. Possibility of some early stages of diseases before symptoms appear.
  8. Follow up on the development and results of treatment and the appearance of signs of recovery.

Examination method:

Reading the iris requires a long time, which may reach days. It also requires a lot of experience and the patient and examiner to sit well. The patient sits in front of an advanced camera with a magnifying lens and a small light bulb that shines its light on the iris. The light is moved in all directions to illuminate the layers of the iris that lie beneath the surface fibers. This is because the iris consists of several layers of fibers and the upper layers cast their shadows on the lower layers.

What is the tissue structure from the point of view of iridology?

There are two points of view. We will first talk about the first point of view:

{Dividing the iris according to color}

** There is a representation of structure through several models in the iris, and these models are present in all regions of the world, and some people are distinguished by one of them completely or by a mixture of two or three models at the same time, depending on the color of the iris.

** People with the structure are distinguished by their model, both physiologically and psychologically. Each model receives its food and deals with it in its own distinctive way. Each model has its own way of dealing with the environmental, psychological, and social conditions of life, as it receives and responds to those conditions according to its distinctive programming, and each model has its own lens through which it sees things:

  1. Lymphatic model: It is specific to blue eyes only, and people with this type may suffer from rapid irritation of the lymphatic systems, such as coughing, sinus congestion, allergies, high acidity levels, and skin diseases such as dandruff and eczema, but they are distinguished by physical fitness and a straight spine. but if this blessing is neglected, the body ends up with weak bones.
  2. The brown model: They belong to brown eyes only and are called black eyes. They are characterized by a light brown or dark brown color and fewer fibers than blue eyes. Owners of this type are exposed to circulatory problems in producing blood, a weak digestive system, and weak kidneys. Owners of this type are exposed to sudden illnesses in their adult years, especially if their system is weak. Their lives are wrong.
  3. Mixture model: Most of them are from the Mediterranean, and this model is a mixture of blue and brown and is characterized by the presence of fibers hidden under the brown areas.
    People with this type are vulnerable to digestive system weakness, such as constipation, kidney problems, liver weakness, arthritis, and rheumatism. But it must be noted that every type of eye color is susceptible to any type of disease.

What are the most important diseases (weak points) that can be detected by examining the iris (the colored part of the eye)?

  1. Some digestive system diseases: include constipation, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, poor absorption, and lack of digestive enzymes.
  2. Blood circulation: such as poor blood circulation in the extremities, the body’s susceptibility to high cholesterol and triglycerides, etc.
  3. Glands and hormones: the body’s susceptibility to diabetes, high blood pressure (hormonal).
  4. Muscles and joints: muscle spasms, bone problems, susceptibility to increased uric acid, varicose veins, poor calcium absorption.
  5. The reproductive system: prostate problems or female reproductive system problems.
  6. The urinary system: susceptibility to the presence of stones and some kidney diseases.

Pupillary diagnosis also helps to discover some skin problems and their causes, such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. So, in short, pupillary diagnosis is a medical method that complements the role of the traditional doctor and is not an alternative to human medicine, as the specialist doctor in this field can help discover weak points in the body even before the disease occurs, alert the patient to this point, and then ask the patient to follow the appropriate method of harmonious and healthy food, which is considered one of our most important problems.

Treatment method:

As we know, our body is full of toxins resulting from nutritional and environmental factors, and here treatment is divided according to the health condition. Here, treatment can be done with chemical medications if necessary, or with one of the departments of complementary medicine. Here lies the importance of integration between all departments of medicine in one crucible, which is holistic medicine. It is one of the most important therapeutic steps to cleanse the body of toxins.

  1. Fasting on apples for 3 days (with no kidney or liver diseases or diabetes and under medical supervision). Eating apples includes drinking any amount of water. Here, the meaning of fasting differs from fasting during the month of Ramadan. Fasting here is intended to eat only apples throughout the day and in a specific amount with drinking. Any amount of water. This fast is broken by vegetable soup prepared in a special way after 3 days of fasting. There are other fruits on which one can fast, such as grapes, pineapple, and watermelon.
  2. The colon cleansing technique helps extract toxins from the colon by inserting sterile water into the colon in several sessions and under complete medical supervision. This technique restores vitality and activity to the colon, thus helping to strengthen digestion and absorption. This process is followed by giving natural medications to activate beneficial bacteria in the colon.
  3. Devices to expel toxins through special basins in which the legs are placed for 30 minutes and for several sessions. What is surprising in this technique is the large change in the color of the water during the session, with the patient feeling a sense of psychological comfort. This type of treatment follows quantum medicine.
  4. Changing the diet, relying on vegetables and fruits as the body’s primary source, as well as sometimes changing the cooking method.
  5. It is also possible, after obtaining the result of the pupillary diagnosis, to use any method of complementary medicine as a treatment, such as medical cupping, Chinese acupuncture, all kinds of massage, homeopathy, herbal treatment, treatment with aromatic oils, energy medicine, reflexology, chiropractic treatment, Ayurveda, Ozone therapy and many, many more.

This depends on the patient’s condition. So, in short, pupillary diagnosis can be performed by any person to confirm the tissue condition of the body and discover weak points in the body before symptoms occur, and we would not be exaggerating if we said that it is a diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic method.

What is striking now is the great interest of the UAE Ministry of Health in systematic complementary medicine based on scientific foundations, to provide a distinguished service to all citizens and residents, and its interest in obtaining everything new in complementary medicine.

This has remarkably helped in organizing several international conferences for complementary medicine in the country, embracing a number of medical centers specializing in the field of complementary medicine, and hosting distinguished experts around the world.

Dr. Haiman Al-Nahhal

Complementary medicine specialist

Ambassador of the International Organization for Natural Medicine