Homeopathy Services

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicines based on the law of similars, “likes cures likes.”


Originated in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Medicines are derived from natural sources like plants and minerals, are non toxic and are safe for all age groups. It stimulates your own defense mechanism.


Homeopathy treats each person individually when choosing the medicine, “No two individuals are alike”. Every individual’s response to stress and pathogens is different, and each person’s pattern of susceptibility to illness differs. Consideration of all patient’s physical, mental, and emotional states is the basis of prescription “constitutional medicine” for effective treatment.

Under normal circumstances, your body’s built in a healing system works to create optimal health. Every minute of every day, every cell of your body tries to create a healthy balance called hemostasis, but stress, lifestyle, and environmental pollutants interfere with this process. This is when the symptoms and illness begin to occur.


The correct homeopathic medicines will act to stimulate and rebuild the body’s healing system and to restore a state of health rather than simply treat the symptoms.


Homeopathy differs from conventional medicine, which tends to suppress symptoms, often using high doses of drugs that can cause side effects.


Homeopathy is known to cure various types of chronic and acute ailments. It is suitable for all age groups, from infants to the elderly. All homeopathic medicines are safe, provided they are taken under the supervision of our homeopathic doctor. Furthermore, homeopathic remedies are not known to interfere with conventional medicine or any other medicine. In fact, they play a complementary role. You can safely take homeopathic medicine along with your medicine for blood pressure, thyroid, heart problems, diabetes, etc.


    • Homeopathic medicines are used throughout the world, particularly in Europe,Australia,South America, India, and the UAE.

    • The Royal Family in England retains the services of homeopathic physicians.

    • London and Glasgow have homeopathic hospitals where doctors use homeopathic medicines in conjunction with conventional medicine practices.

    • In India, there are more than 100,000 homeopathic physicians, and Mother Teresa used homeopathic medicines in her hospital in Calcutta.

    • WHO has cited homeopathy as a system of medicine that should be integrated worldwide with conventional medicine.

    • British Medical Journal and the Lancet indicates that homeopathy is an effective form of treatment.

In support of effectiveness, we also have 200 years of clinical experience gathered from all over the world by highly respected homeopathic practitioners.

Homeopathy helps children to grow, sustains the health of the adult and supports the regeneration of the elderly. It is natural and safe for the vulnerable stages of life: pregnant and nursing mothers, newborns and toddlers, elderly and for those with compromised immune systems.

A child’s brain is designed to absorb, observe and interpret ‘naturally’ occurring phenomena around them with boredom being a healthy necessity for mental development. Sadly, there is hardly any time allowed to be bored and life is a series of switching from one stimulation to another. Especially involving fast paced media on electronic devices.


Some of the important signs and symptoms of ADHD are:

    • Seeming lost and not paying attention. Often daydreaming, or losing focus and being distracted easily.

    • Impulsive behavior. The child does not think much before doing something against which they have been warned.

    • Inability to be still for long. Being fidgety, occupied with some activity all the time, usually with switching from an activity to another.

    • Not being able to keep track of their stuff like toys, belongings. Forgetting to do things.

    • Being too talkative, intruding into conversations.

    • Difficulty waiting their turn.

    • Giving in to temptations too easily.

    • Displaying risk-taking behavior.

Children go through ‘phases’ of development that involve misbehavior or unacceptable conduct, and these are considered a normal part of growing up. But when these behaviors do not improve or continue to get worse, they need treatment, and the psychosocial environmental triggers need to change for the child to adopt a healthier or more acceptable survival mechanism.


Common conduct disorders, especially found in teenagers:

    • Problems with Academic Performance

    • Risk Taking Behavior 

Each child is unique in their expression of health imbalance and needs individualized treatment. We do not just manage symptoms but actively work to improve general health, immunity, digestion, and development, thereby eliminating recurring symptoms. A big part of the treatment is focused on prevention rather than only ‘firefighting’ when the child is ill. Natural healing processes are encouraged so that the child reaches their full potential with a minimum need for chemical medications.


Common developmental disorders that can be treated by Homeopathy:

    • Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

    • Autism Spectrum Disease in Sharjah

    • Bedwetting

    • Developmental Delay

    • Teething Delay

    • Learning Difficulties

    • Slow Cognitive Development

    • Slow Speech Development

    • Poor Physical Growth due to hormonal and nutritional problems

ENT disorders are one of the most common conditions for which many have to resort to long term symptom management medications. The reason they do not permanently get rid of these conditions is due to the Western biomedical approach of only managing symptoms by chemically opposing them without addressing the core cause behind those symptoms:


Common disorders that we help in the treatment by Homeopathy:

    • Middle ear infection and recurrent ear infections

    • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

    • Enlarged Adenoids 

    • Sinusitis

    • Breathing Difficulties

    • Tonsillitis

    • Difficulty in swallowing (Dysphagia)

    • Thyroid Nodules

    • Nasal allergies

    • Nasal Discharge

    • Gastric Reflux (GERD)

    • Laryngitis

Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to normally harmless substances or foods. This is a result of a confusion in the immune system that produces antibodies against substances that it is not supposed to. A person can become allergic to a substance at any time in life, though some allergies are hereditary. There are numerous factors that trigger the immune system to become hyperreactive. 


Common Allergy related conditions:

    • Allergic Eye Inflammation

    • Asthma and allergic cough in Sharjah

    • Blocked Nose or mouth breathing

    • Eczema

    • Hay fever or allergic rhinitis

    • Skin Rashes

    • Urticaria or hives.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME / CFS) is a loosely defined term for a complex health disorder primarily affecting a person’s ability to function with energy and grit.


Common Causes that can Homeopathy help in the treatment of:

    • Chronic anxiety

    • Depression

    • Emotional Trauma

    • Sleep Disorders

    • Overuse of Antibiotics

    • Intestinal Parasites.

We treat the person and not just the digestive disorder. Here are some of the common disorders we treat and find that they are not limited to the digestive function:

    • Acidity

    • Constipation

    • Diarrhea

    • Gallstone colic

    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

    • Hemorrhoids

    • Gassiness

    • Excessive Burping

    • Indigestion

    • Oral Thrush

    • Food Intolerances

    • Gut Microbiome

Some common eye and vision disorders Homeopathy helps in the treatment:

    • Allergic Eye Irritation

    • Conjunctivitis

    • Eye Fatigue

    • Migraine headaches involving the eyes.

    • Twitching of lids

These episodes of pain do not necessarily mean there is something wrong with the head. To truly understand the causes leading to these pain episodes, one needs to look at the whole person, their lifestyle, their psychological state, their living environment, their hormonal balance, and their quality of sleep, among other things. It is one thing to manage these pain episodes, and completely another to find the real cause and treat it.


Types of headaches:

    • Sinus

    • Migraine

    • Cluster Headache

    • Stress and Tension Headache

    • TMJ headache

    • Allergy Headache

When the immune system is unable to defend the body against infections due to its poor development or due to damage, it leads to the following common conditions:

    • Recurrent Common infections

    • Allergies

Common disease conditions involving hormonal dysfunction are:


    • Menstrual Syndrome

    • Hypothyroidism 

    • Overactive thyroid function

    • Diabetes Mellitus

    • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    • Adrenal Fatigue

    • Insufficient milk while breastfeeding

    • Male and Female Infertility

Some common conditions related to the kidneys and bladder

    • Kidney stones

    • Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

    • Bedwetting

    • Chronic Bladder Infection

    • Difficulty passing urine 

    • Nervous Bladder

    • Painful Bladder Syndrome

    • Urinary Incontinence 

Homeopathy helps in the treatment of the menopausal symptoms from anxiety, excessive sweating, hot flashes, depression, sleep disorders, forgetfulness, fatigue, joint pain, mood swings, palpitations, vaginal dryness and lowered libido.

Some common moods and feelings that are considered disorders if persistent such as : Aggressive, Despair, Fearful, Gloomy, Indifferent, Inferior, Insecure, Irritable, Shy, Unconfident, Unwanted, Unsafe and Unloved.

Some types of personality disorders such as paranoid, Schizoid, Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic , Avoidant, Dependent, and obsessive Compulsive personality disorders.

Some common examples that Homeopathy can help in the treatment of : Panic Attacks, Tremors, Erectile dysfunction, Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), Urticaria, Chronic Pain, Muscle Twitching, Tremors and Fibromyalgia.

Some common disorders that Homeopathy can help in the treatment: ADD, ADHD, Comprehension Difficulty (Difficulty understanding concepts and ideas), Dementia (Early onset, Senile, Post Traumatic), Memory loss or weakness.

Some Common Neurological Disorders that Homeopathy can help in the treatment: 

    • Alzheimer’s Disease

    • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    • Diabetic neuropathy

    • Guillain Barre Syndrome

    • Headaches and Migraines

    • Lumbar Disc Disease, Sciatica 

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • Muscle twitching

    • Muscular Dystrophy

    • Myasthenia Gravis

    • Restless Leg Syndrome

    • Tremors

    • Trigeminal Neuralgia

    • Seizures

Emotional trauma or disturbance can be either acute and strong, like death of a loved one, or a persistent low level over many years, like being bullied in the workplace. Homeopathy offers very specific treatment for all kinds of traumas and emotional disturbances.

Some common conditions linked to respiration and voice organs that can be helped holistically by Homeopathy:

    • Allergic Bronchitis

    • Allergic Cough

    • Asthma

    • Breathlessness on excretion (without any disease or abnormality)

    • Chronic Bronchitis

    • Heaviness on the chest

    • Nervous breathlessness

    • Nervous cough

    • Recurrent chest infections

    • Sleep Apnoea

    • Snoring

    • Changed Voice

    • Difficulty in Swallowing

    • Hoarse Voice

    • Laryngitis

    • Lost Voice

    • Vocal and cord paralysis.

Sexual dysfunction is the inability to have normal and pleasurable sexual activity. It can affect both males and females and is often a reflection of a person’s overall health status. This results in profound psychological disturbance leading to many unexplained symptoms like bad mood, irritability, aggression, sleep disturbance etc.


Some common sexual dysfunctions and conditions that Homeopathy can help in the treatment:

In Males:

    • Erectile Dysfunction

    • Excessive Libido

    • Low Libido

    • Premature ejaculation

    • Seminal emissions

In Females:

    • Excessive Libido

    • Loss or low Libido

    • Painful Intercourse

    • Vaginismus

    • Vaginal Dryness.

Inability to sleep well is one of the most important indicators that precedes disease conditions or a deterioration in health. It is often a consequence of an imbalance on the physical, emotional, or mental level.


Some common sleep problems are: 

    • Difficulty falling asleep

    • Dreams disturbing sleep

    • Excessive or prolonged sleep

    • Light sleep

    • Restless sleep

    • Sleep talking

    • Sleep Walking

    • Too short sleep

    • Unrefreshing sleep

    • Waking often

Disorders of the skin, hair and nails are usually a reflection of an internal disorder. It is crucial to identify the real cause and treat it. Ignoring the underlying causes and treating these superficially not only allows the health disorder to deepen, but often leads to more serious health implications.


Some common skin disorders are:

    • Abscess

    • Acne

    • Athlete’s foot or Tinea pedis

    • Atopic dermatitis or eczema

    • Contact dermatitis

    • Diaper rash

    • Dandruff

    • Hives or urticaria

    • Impetigo

    • Lichen planus

    • Molluscum contagiosum

    • Pityriasis

    • Psoriasis

    • Ringworm or tinea cruris

    • Rosacea

    • Vitiligo

    • Seborrheic dermatitis

    • Shingles or Herpes zoster

    • Sunburn

    • Warts

Some common hair problems are:

    • Baldness (bald patches, general baldness)

    • Dry, brittle or lusterless hair

    • Excess hair growth in women.

    • Hairfall

    • Premature graying hair.

Some common nail problems:

    • Crooked or distorted nails

    • Nail Fungus

    • Weak or brittle nails

    • Slow growth of nails

Dr.Madina Khatoon

Homeopathic Practitioner

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For assistance, please reach out to us at  +97165720088