Iridology Services

What is Iridology?

Iridology is a holistic medicine and art form that diagnoses the reflex conditions in the iris corresponding to pathology and health in the body.


The iris is a window to the human body. When we look into the iris, we see the organs, tissues, and the whole function of the body in symphony.


It is a non-invasive and harmless diagnostic procedure that utilizes state-of-the art computers and software by taking a picture of the iris. Patients are only required to relax while they are screened from head to toe.


What are the Benefits of Iridology?

Iridology gives you an awareness of your overall health by understanding how organs interact and. It helps in knowing which organs are underactive or overactive. It helps in knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, lymphatic, and structural systems of the body.


Iridology assessment in Sharjah International Holistic Health Centre is a highly effective tool to help you determine the cause(s) of the following symptoms:

    • Constipation
    • Insomnia
    • Skin eruption
    • Infections
    • Arthritis
    • Depression
    • Low energy
    • Asthma
    • Allergies
    • Colic, diarrhea
    • Fevers, cold, flu
    • Chronic fatigue

    How Does it work?

    The image of the iris usually reveals spotting areas that can be read by our healthcare practitioner, who then gives you a full, detailed report and explains what is revealed, such as:


    • Inflammation spotting will show where inflammation is present.
    • Areas in the body that have acidity or where it can accumulate
    • Body Activity levels refer to body parts that are overactive or underactive.
    • Problem spotting shows where the problems are occurring in your body.

    Dr. Haiman El Nahal

    Cupping Therapist

    Make an Appointment

    For assistance, please reach out to us at  +97165720088